What Is SAML In AWS ?
Are you looking to enhance the security of your AWS Environment? If it is so, SAML can be a good choice. This article covers all the information about the SAML including its working and advantages. By the time you reach the end of this blog, you will gain a clear understanding of the SAML in your Cloud Environment....
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Amazon S3 And Security Standards In AWS Security Hub
Storing important stuff online can be tricky, especially when you have tons of secrets and rules that you have to follow. That’s where Amazon S3 and AWS Security Hub come into play. S3 acts like a giant, secure box for your files, whereas Security Hub is like a friendly guard dog that is watching over everything and making sure nobody steals your stuff or breaks the rules. Together, they help businesses keep their data safe and sound, even in the Wild West of the cloud!...
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Cloud-Native Architecture
Pre-requisite: Resource Pooling Architecture in Cloud Computing...
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Amazon VPC – IP Addressing in VPC
This article intends to educate you all about IP Addressing in VPC’s. An IP address is a unique identifier attached to a particular or particular computer network. It acts as a bridge while communicating with the respective device. IP addresses are generally classified into four categories,...
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Amazon RDS – Monitoring an Amazon RDS Database Instance
This article intends to educate you about “Monitoring an Amazon RDS Database Instance”. Monitoring is essential for your database instance because it is directly proportional to the maintenance of your RDS database instance. If we keep monitoring all the resources then it will be easy for us to debug failures or even possibilities of failures. Constant monitoring will also do proper health checks and eventually enhance the overall performance of the whole infrastructure. There are various manuals, automatic as well as integrated tools and services designed for monitoring the database instances by RDS. But before diving deep into the tools, let us set our monitoring goals by ensuring the following aspects....
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Amazon S3 – Cross Region Replication
The AWS S3 – Cross-region replication (CRR) allows you to replicate or copy your data in two different regions. But why do you need to set up CRR? There are many possible scenarios where setting up cross-region replication will prove helpful. Some of them are enlisted below:...
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AWS DynamoDB – Query the Global Secondary Index
Global Secondary Index is an index with a partition key and a sort key that can be different from keys in the base table. A global secondary index is said to be “global” because queries on the index can cover all the data in the base table, across all partitions. A global secondary index has no size limitations like that of the base table and has its own provisioned read and write throughput settings that are separate from those of the table....
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AWS DynamoDB – Working with Queries
Amazon DynamoDB is a NoSQL managed database service provided by Amazon that stores semi-structured data like key-value pairs. A DynamoDB table consists of items. Each item consists of one partition key and one or more attributes. An example of an item is given below:...
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Amazon Web Services – Creating a Lambda Function
Pre-Requisites: AWS...
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How to Install Python3 on AWS EC2?
AWS or Amazon web services is a cloud service platform that provides on-demand computational services, databases, storage space, and many more services. EC2 or Elastic Compute Cloud is a scalable computing service launched on the AWS cloud platform. In simpler words, EC2 is nothing but a virtual computer on which we can perform all our tasks and we have the authority to configure, launch or even dissipate this virtual computer....
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Amazon VPC Networking Components
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud is a networking service that you can use to establish boundaries around your AWS resources. So, in simpler words, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables the users to define some virtual network and then launch the AWS resources into that virtual network. It gives you full control over various network environments, resources, connectivity, and security. Moreover, it defines how a network should communicate across different Availability Zones or regions. Users have a option of easy customization of the network configuration for their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)....
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Amazon Web Services – Resolving 403 Forbidden Error When Connecting to API from VPC through API Gateway
The Amazon API Gateway is used to create scalable APIs. It can perform additional functionalities like publishing the API, monitoring and maintaining the API.  These can also be used to develop RESTful APIs and WebSocket APIs which can be used for real-time two-way communication between the client and the server. In simpler words we can say that, the Amazon API Gateway is one spot for accepting, processing and managing APIs concurrently on a large scale....
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